A private file cloud server has been installed in the Department of Computer Studies, CSIBER, Kolhapur, MS, India.
For sharing and synchronizing files Tonido cloud software is employed.

The security has been implemented using role based authentication wherein all inter and intra department communications are modeled by assigning different roles to the users of the system.
The drive mapping is achieved at admin and user level using free add-ons available for Tonido. The folder changes are monitored periodically and notification messages are sent to appropriate users instantly. The cloud server enables streamlining various housekeeping chores such as uploading notices, syllabi for students and also helps in keeping all the documents centralized, structured and updated. The system has rendered the whole process automatic and there is very little chance for committing any mistake which results in extremely effective communication system between users of different categories. At the OS level, security trimming is performed by programmatically editing requisite registry entries using Group Policy Editor, Microsoft management console program at runtime depending on the user logged in and mapping user credentials to the corresponding drives accessible only to that user. Finally, the Tonido server is integrated with institute's Moodle server and the data is synchronized with the help of an interface e application implemented in Java.Ī Tonido cloud server provides a private cloud storage solution and synchronizes customers and employees with the required cloud services over the enterprise. Generally, access to any cloud services by users is via the Internet connection, which can face some problems, and then users may encounter in accessing these services due to a weak Internet connection or heavy load sometimes especially with live video streaming applications overcloud. In this work, flexible and inexpensive proposed accessing methods are submitted and implemented concerning real-time applications that enable users to access cloud services locally and regionally.